Foundation Yoga Course 2018/2019
This course will explore the ancient science of Raja Yoga and the 8 Fold path of Yoga of Patanjali's Yoga Sutra’s. Each of these steps on the path of yoga gives us guidance in a systematic way to live a meaningful and purposeful life.
The aim of the course is for students to gain a more in depth knowledge and understanding of yoga as a living practice for personal development. It will explore philosophy, principles and practice of yoga to bring yoga to life on and off the mat.
Course Dates
14th October 2018 10am to 4pm
11th November 2018 10am-4pm
9th December 2018 10am-4pm
13th January 2019 10am-4pm
Course Outcomes
By the end of the course you will:
- Developed knowledge of the History of Yoga through to today’s modern day applications of the practice.
- Have explored both practically and theoretically Patanjali's Eight Limbs of Yoga, as outlined in The Yoga Sutras including a modern-day perspective on the Yamas & Niyamas inspiring you to live your yoga.
- Introduce you to a variety of yoga practices and techniques including Asana, Pranayama, Mudra, Bandha, Meditation and Chanting, demystifying technical terms and Sanskrit names
- Inspire your journey towards living your yoga through applied yoga philosophy, readings and discussions
- Give you the tools to develop a strong & committed personal yoga practise
Each day will include -
- Dharma talks and group discussion
- Physical practice open to all levels on discussion topic
- Seated Practices including pranayama and meditation.
- Self-study and contemplation.
This is a 30 hour course with 24 contact hours and 6 hours of personal study. CPD hours Investment - £160 for all four workshops, including course folder
Can be split into payments
- Deposit of £40 at the time of booking to secure your place (non-refundable)
- Balance of £120 paid 2 weeks prior to the course starting
Limited numbers
Example Structure of The Days:
- 10- 11.30am - Yoga Philosophy, Theory & Discussion
- 11:30 – 1pm - Practical Asana, including Restorative Yoga – following a focus/style with clear learning objectives and specific theme,
- 1-2pm - Lunch (lunch is not provided, please bring a shared vegetarian dish lunch, a kitchen is available for reheating)
- 2-4pm - Yoga Philosophy, Theory & Discussion / Group Exercises and Practical Work
This course gives you the opportunity to deepen your practice and knowledge of yoga over a four monthly day retreats.
It is not a teaching training course, but designed to move yoga beyond familiar asanas or postures to extending your knowledge and developing a lifelong love of yoga in your everyday life or looking towards teacher training.