I love this analogy of stillness which likens it to a spinning top, moving so fast that it does not seem to be moving. Stillness is not the absence of life, or movement, but is dynamic. It is action in perfect harmony with itself, life in balance.
However, most of the time we do not find this perfect balance and skill, we find ourselves like the spinning top flying off in different directions, never quite centered or spinning at top speed. We don't have as much energy as we would like and what energy we do have is pulled in opposing directions.
When we live our lives at a frantic pace we deprive ourselves of the joys that are most accessible in stillness: those moment when you forget time and are just completely absorbed with the moment, harmony in motion, unconflicted.
Yoga is a way of learning to be centered in action so that you always have the clearest perspective on what's happening, allowing yourself to choose the best possible way to respond to keep balance and perceptive. Moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are.